The Patriot Post® · IRS Hides Emails

The IRS says it “lost” two years worth of emails from Lois Lerner, the IRS official held in contempt of Congress after refusing to testify about the Tea Party targeting scandal. Of course, the department plastered the investigators with 67,000 emails, mostly internal communication and cc’d emails by other IRS staff. The important documents are missing – the emails between Lerner and the White House, the Federal Election Commission, Department of Justice and Democrat officials. The IRS blames a 2011 computer crash which they say destroyed two years worth of emails, but others are calling the IRS’s bluff1. By law, the IRS is supposed to back up its communications three different ways. This is the lamest and most transparent “dog at my homework” excuse since Richard Nixon lost several minutes of tape during the Watergate scandal. More…2
