The Patriot Post® · Lame Excuses to the IRS
Admit it: After the IRS’s excuse that it “lost” Lois Lerner’s emails, you wanted to, come tax time, tell the IRS that your hard drive crashed too, so it shouldn’t expect your check. A bill in the U.S. House would allow just that. Rep. Steve Stockman (R-TX) introduced “The Dog Ate My Tax Receipts Act” (TDAMTRA), a bill that allows taxpayers to use the same lame excuses as the IRS. In a statement, Stockman said, “The United States was founded on the belief government is subservient and accountable to the people. Taxpayers shouldn’t be expected to follow laws the Obama administration refuses to follow themselves. Taxpayers should be allowed to offer the same flimsy, obviously made-up excuses the Obama administration uses.” Among the excuses, taxpayers could say they “Traded documents for five terrorists” or that documents were left “in [a] gun case sold to Mexican drug lords.” Say, that sounds like the list we made1 two days before Stockman introduced his bill. Did our language show up in a House bill? Donny Ferguson, senior communications and policy adviser for Stockman, replied in an email, “It’s something we had been batting around for a while and decided this week would be a good time to work it, so we released it Friday.” More…2