The Patriot Post® · This Is a Qualification?

Ken Blackwell1: “Hillary Clinton launched her latest ‘listening tour’ with a new book. It was supposed to be a non-campaign rollout. But it turned out not so promisingly. … Her first stumble was in announcing to Diane Sawyer that she and Bill had left the White House in 2001 ‘dead broke.’ … [And] she now vigorously maintains she was wrong on Iraq and wrong on marriage. And this is a qualification? Would-be challengers to ‘Hillary the Inevitable’ can only be inspired by her troubled launch of her book tour. Long-time observers already recall the stumbling debut of Sen. Ted Kennedy in 1979. Every poll that year showed Kennedy would blow away the beleaguered Jimmy Carter. Every poll, that is, except the poll of primary voters of 1980. Kennedy’s inability to answer the simplest questions from friendly interviewers had him tripping over his own tongue at the starting gate. He never fully recovered.”
