The Patriot Post® · Kurds Threaten Split
The Kurdish people of Northeastern Iraq threatened to split from the disfunctional Iraqi government to form a country of their own. Kurdish president Masoud Barzani told CNN1, “The time is here for the Kurdistan people to determine their future and the decision of the people is what we are going to uphold. … After the recent events in Iraq, it has been proved that the Kurdish people should seize the opportunity now – the Kurdistan people should now determine their future.” To that, John Kerry parachuted in to say2, “A united Iraq is a stronger Iraq.” The United States has much to lose if Iraq’s government splinters, including leverage to combat the ISIL. However, it may be too little too late. According to Hot Air’s Allahpundit, the Kurds asked the U.S. to help months ago, but the Obama administration waited until the situation festered and it had to do something. More…3