The Patriot Post® · Zimmerman Loses NBC Lawsuit

Nearly a year after “white-Hispanic” George Zimmerman, as the Leftmedia so carefully characterized him, was acquitted in the alleged murder of black teenager Trayvon Martin, a judge struck down a defamation lawsuit accusing NBC Universal of altering a 911 recording to frame Zimmerman as a bigot and a racist. According to Judge Debra S. Nelson, “There are no genuine issues of material fact upon which a reasonable jury could find that the Defendants acted with actual malice.” When NBC aired the video, Zimmerman was heard telling police, “He [Martin] looks black.” But NBC edited out the portion where the dispatcher asked Mr. Zimmerman, “[T]his guy, is he white, black or Hispanic?” Right – clearly no “actual malice” here. Would Nelson hand down the same ruling if Zimmerman were black instead? We’ll never know, because racial disparity is the only reason Leftmedia elitists trumpeted the Zimmerman-Trayvon case in the first place. More…