The Patriot Post® · Misleading Report on Children

“Children of same-sex couples are happier and healthier than peers, research shows.” That’s the title of a Washington Post article garnering high praise from homosexual advocates. The findings come from University of Melbourne in Australia researcher Simon Crouch, who asserts, “It’s often suggested that children with same-sex parents have poorer outcomes because they’re missing a parent of a particular sex. But research my colleagues and I published in the journal BMC Public Health shows this isn’t the case.” However, as you might expect, Crouch’s findings come with huge caveats. FRC’s Tony Perkins notes, “The study is not of same-sex couples, but of ‘same-sex attracted parents,’ who may or may not be in a relationship. … But the data are of dubious value to begin with, because they are based on the parents’ own self-report (‘My kid is doing great!’) rather than a more objective measure; and they are drawn from a ‘convenience sample’ (like people responding to an ad in the ‘gay’ media) rather than a genuinely random one.” In short, the “study” is an embarrassment meant solely for propaganda purposes.