The Patriot Post® · Americans' View of Religious Freedom
Tony Perkins1: “According to a new survey, only slightly over a quarter of voters, (29%) know that the Freedom of Religion is part of the First Amendment. And that’s a five percent increase from last year! The First Amendment Center, which has been tracking these numbers for the last 17 years, announced this year’s results just one week after the Supreme Court’s biggest religious liberty case of the year: Hobby Lobby v. Burwell and Burwell v. Conestoga Wood Specialties. Interestingly enough, those suits – and this administration’s open hostility toward religious liberty – may have had something to do with the small spike in understanding. Asked if corporations like Hobby Lobby should have ‘certain religious freedoms,’ 66% said yes. While that’s encouraging, there seems to be a lack of understanding about what religious freedom really means – as evidenced by follow up questions in the poll. When asked if a business providing wedding services should be required to serve same-sex couples, regardless of religious objections, 61% said yes. What does religious liberty mean if not the freedom to live and work according to the teachings of your faith?”