The Patriot Post® · Worse Than Obama's Katrina

Mona Charen1: “Could the flood of underage, would-be immigrants over the southern border be ‘Obama’s Katrina’ as Susan Page of USA Today warned? No, it’s worse. Even the most virulent George W. Bush denigrator would not suggest that the former president actually created the hurricane. This president, by contrast, bears a heavy responsibility for creating the deluge of unaccompanied minors who have recently crashed ashore. … The White House insists that the migrants are fleeing violence and poverty in their home countries. No doubt, but poverty and violence have (sadly) been features of those societies for decades. What happened? The precipitating event was Obama’s election year decision unilaterally to grant permanent resident status to the children of immigrants who have been living in the country illegally for a significant period of time and were brought here before the age of 16. … Defenders of the president’s decision say that it was ‘compassionate’ to free people brought here by their parents from the fear of deportation. Maybe. It is difficult to live with the dread (if only notional) of deportation. But consider what sort of suffering the president’s policy has helped to create. What we’re seeing in Texas and elsewhere should remind us of the unintended consequences – namely that we have contributed to a humanitarian crisis.”
