The Patriot Post® · Rebutting the Left's Idea of 'Economic Patriotism'

David Harsanyi: “A few years ago, Obama released a 20-page campaign stunt called ‘The New Economic Patriotism: A Plan for Jobs & Middle-Class Security.’ Thin on details, it was big on advocating new stimulus to fund a slew of liberal hobbyhorses. The title, ‘New Economic Patriotism,’ oozed an authoritarian scent, and, fittingly enough, anyone who disagreed was ‘betting against America.’ This is just one of the accusations regularly thrown around these days to chill speech. And as the president lets it rip, perhaps we should take his definition of patriotism seriously. Though the idea can be somewhat amorphous, patriotism, especially in this country, is driven by idealism rather than chauvinism or ethnic and religious considerations – the kind of idealism that soldiers go and die for. So if you believe that left-wing economic policies are synonymous with ‘patriotism’ but religious freedom, freedom of speech and economic freedom are antiquated notions in need of fixing, maybe it’s your idea of American patriotism that is warped.”