The Patriot Post® · Radical Greens Want to Take Us Back to Stone Age

Stephen Moore1: “Energy is the master resource. Without it, we return to a Stone Age existence. Life in its absence is nasty, brutish and short. Is that where the radical Greens, one of the most influential political forces in America today, would take us? If we continue to follow their advice, electric power and fuel will become more expensive (as President Obama has admitted). [A recent] Investor’s Business Daily editorial noted, ‘as the Sierra Club, billionaire Tom Steyer and the Obama administration rage war against coal and other fossil fuel,’ we could end up seeing ‘rolling brownouts and even blackouts in the years ahead.’ In other words, the apocalypse confronting America may not be the havoc of ‘climate change,’ but a slow-motion return to a medieval lifestyle. … In fact, the editorial notes, we get about 90 percent of our power from sources that the Left is trying to shut down. … I wonder how many young people will be so excited about ‘green energy’ when … outages are commonplace and they come to the realization that life without those ‘dirty’ sources of power won’t be so wonderful.”
