The Patriot Post® · Obama: 'You Don't Get to Pick Which Rules You Play By'

In his weekly address, Barack Obama told us this is the United States, and Americans play by the rules. “The vast majority of American businesses pay their taxes right here in the United States,” Obama said. “But when some companies cherry-pick their taxes, it damages the country’s finances. It adds to the deficit. It makes it harder to invest in the things that will keep America strong, and it sticks you with the tab for what they stash offshore.” So Obama rose to the White House soapbox to spout the party line about corporate unfairness and economic patriotism1. He continued, “Right now, a loophole in our tax laws makes this totally legal – and I think that’s totally wrong. You don’t get to pick which rules you play by, or which tax rate you pay, and neither should these companies.” At least this week, we agree with Obama: Rules are rules, and they can be so hard to follow sometimes. After all, there are rules about announcing prisoner swaps to Congress, immigration rules to enforce, a pesky document written in 1787 that is fondly called the Constitution… More…2
