The Patriot Post® · Inspectors General Struggle Under Obama's 'Transparency'
It’s not only journalists who decry the Obama administration’s lack of transparency. In the same weekend Barack Obama and Joe Biden lauded government accountability and transparency to international leaders at the Africa Summit, Obama’s Inspectors General penned a letter1 complaining about the administration’s obstruction and opacity. The independent officers designed to bring accountability to government told Congress they struggle to see documents and suffer delays. National Review’s John Fund writes, “It is time for both Republicans and independent Democrats to recognize the horrible precedent the Obama administration is setting for future White Houses. From the very beginning, the Obama team has been hostile to IG independence. In 2009, Gerald Walpin, the inspector general for the Americorps volunteer agency, was fired after he issued a report accusing Sacramento, Calif., mayor Kevin Johnson, a close Obama political ally, of misusing an $850,000 grant.” Let’s all agree Obama’s claim of transparency is yet another example of his lip service. More…2