The Patriot Post® · FDIC's Attack on Non-PC Businesses a 'Misunderstanding'

The Federal Depositors Insurance Corporation (FDIC) backtracked on its “Operation Choke Point” which pressured banks to drop businesses that dealt in less-than-politically-correct trades, such as dating sites, pharmaceuticals, antique coins and – most disturbing – firearm and ammunition sales. The FDIC calls the whole thing a “misunderstanding,” which is politi-speak for “We are so, so sorry we were caught.” Senior legal fellow at Heritage Institute Alden Abbot said, “Unless and until all of those agencies publicly and unequivocally act to discontinue singling out industry categories based on arbitrary government fiat, rather than proven fraudulent conduct, burdens on lawful but politically incorrect businesses will remain. A government committed to the rule of law must treat all lawful businesses equally under the law, and Operation Choke Point sadly has ignored that foundational principle of our constitutional republic.” More…