The Patriot Post® · Germany Spied on U.S.

BND, meet NSA. While Germans were getting all upset about the U.S. bugging the cellphone of their great aunt and leader Angela Merkel, German intelligence was tapping and monitoring John Kerry’s and Hillary Clinton’s phone calls. Kerry made calls1 from the Middle East while he was trying to forge a peace deal. Clinton was in Germany when German intelligence (The official name of the organization is the Bundesnachrichtendienst, or BND for short) recorded one of her phone calls “on accident.” The Telegraph reports, “In an awkward twist for the United States, however, it appears that the White House became aware of the interception of Mrs Clinton’s phone call from documents handed over by double agent ‘Markus R’, a German secret agent who was arrested by the German authorities in July, accused of spying on his own country for the US in return for payments from the CIA.” America had a double agent in Germany? Either the U.S. knows of a deteriorating relationship with a European superpower the public knows little about, or there is some pork barrel intelligence spending. We bet the coffee is really good at the NSA. More…2
