The Patriot Post® · Facts are Few and Far Between in Ferguson Shooting

Let’s be clear: The information coming out of Ferguson, Missouri, is vague so that no one can make a determination of what happened. One group of people will say Michael Brown had his hands up and was gunned down by a racist cop in broad daylight. The other side contends Darren Wilson feared for his life and the shooting was simply self-defense. Allahpundit over at HotAir points out1 Wilson was struck in the face, but he did not suffer a fracture to the face. Instead, he was treated for “swelling,” according to Reuters2. Right now, we probably know more about the Trayvon Martin shooting of 2012 because the 911 tapes were released and the incident report was made available. In the Brown shooting, Ferguson Police never filed an incident report3 and instead passed the case onto the St. Louis County police. That law enforcement agency released a gaunt incident report4 that says nothing. It will not be surprising if Wilson’s actions are justified, but the bungled investigation raises serious red flags for federal investigators examining the Ferguson Police Department for civil rights violations.
