The Patriot Post® · Lowering Standards Won't Solve Cultural Rot
Ann Coulter1: “[T]he ‘voices of oppression’ on MSNBC now say the real issue [that led to Michael Brown’s death in Ferguson] is that there aren’t enough blacks on the Ferguson police force. … In a massive, detailed 2000 study of the effect of court-ordered affirmative action plans on police departments, economist John Lott found that the more minorities on a police force, the higher the rates of murder, manslaughter, violent crime, robbery and aggravated assault will be. … The problem was not with black cops, Lott’s study showed, but rather with the lowering of standards across the board, resulting in less-qualified officers of every race. … As Lott’s study showed, once standards are lowered to ensure ‘diversity,’ standards are lowered for all recruits, resulting in a rainbow coalition of incompetence. This is exactly how Democrats wrecked the economy with the subprime mortgage crisis. … [O]nce traditional measures of credit-worthiness were jettisoned, they were jettisoned for everyone. You will notice that the housing market crash was concentrated not in black neighborhoods, but in house-flipping hot spots.”