The Patriot Post® · Biden, ISIL and the Gates of Hell

Joe Biden loves to talk tough. Whether it’s babbling about firing a couple of shotgun blasts in the air or even through the front door to scare away would-be assailants, or incessant bragging about killing Osama bin Laden, the vice president is fond of his own machismo. This time, he’s threatening ISIL – you know, the group against which the president has no strategy. “As a nation we are united, and when people harm Americans we don’t retreat, we don’t forget,” Biden declared. “We will follow them to the gates of Hell until they are brought to justice, because Hell is where they will reside.” His words about “justice” are confusing given that he also declared himself judge, jury and executioner. We don’t think ISIL’s brutal beheadings are merely criminal acts (they are acts of war), but Biden is blurring the lines, all in a lame attempt to cover for his boss having no strategy.

Update: Fox News’ Bret Baier shared a note from a forward operator in Iraq replying to Biden: “Chase them to the Gates of Hell? How the F$&@k are we going to do that when we can’t even leave the front gate of our base!?”