The Patriot Post® · The GOP Must Craft a Positive Message

Larry Kudlow: “If the Republican Party adopts a clear, optimistic, growth-and-reform message to turn America around, it can win big in November. It could still be a wave election. But so far it hasn’t done it. The party is essentially asking voters to give it control of both houses of Congress. Yet it hasn’t told voters what it would do with such a mandate. That’s why the GOP must present a true governing agenda. You can’t ask for two-house support without telling voters what you’re going to do with it. … Republicans were far too pessimistic in the 2012 election. That’s one reason why they lost. State the problems. Then advance the solutions. The country has been in a funk for too long. Our weakness at home is translating to weakness abroad. But this can be changed, and rapidly. If the GOP sends a clear, positive and optimistic message, it can turn this election into a landslide.”