The Patriot Post® · The McDonnell Verdict & Double Standards

Cal Thomas: “The soap opera that played out in Richmond these last weeks and ended with the convictions of former Gov. Bob McDonnell and his wife, Maureen, on multiple counts of fraud and conspiracy charges is a tragedy for them, their children and the voters of Virginia. … Some pundits have rightly noted that a man who preaches about strong families and honesty should be expected to live by those standards. Even so, there is a double standard in politics that often allows those who have engaged in similar or worse behavior not only to escape prosecution but to win re-election. … The modern gold standard for selling one’s office belongs to former President Bill Clinton. As ‘NBC Nightly News’ anchor Tom Brokaw noted on a Feb. 25, 1997, broadcast: ‘1600 Pennsylvania Avenue turned out to be the most expensive bed and breakfast in North America.’ … None of this is to excuse what the McDonnells are convicted of having done (they will appeal), but only to offer some perspective. As the joke goes: If there was no double standard, some politicians would have no standards at all.”