The Patriot Post® · ObamaCare Funding Goes Towards Abortions

Barack Obama misled members of his own party to ram through the Affordable Care Act. Shop for health care insurance free of elective abortion funding, and you’ll be hard pressed. If you live in Connecticut, Hawaii, New Jersey, Rhode Island or Vermont, any plan you buy from the exchange comes with abortion coverage, the Washington Examiner notes. The Government Accountability Office released a report Sept. 15 finding that, out of 18 insurance providers, only one itemized abortion coverage on the bill. In 2009, Obama told Congress, “Under our plan, no federal dollars will be used to fund abortions, and federal conscience laws will remain in place.” Obama said this to appease members of his own party who actually have a conscience and to gather their critical support before passing ObamaCare. Yet today, each health insurance policyholder pays anywhere from 10 cents to $1 a month on ObamaCare abortions, making the BIG Lie even bigger. More…