The Patriot Post® · Rice Cooker: National Security Advisor Runs From Podium

Breitbart has the latest in the saga of administration policy to take down ISIL. “Friday during the White House press briefing,” Breitbart reports, “National Security Advisor Susan Rice abruptly left in the middle of a question after confusing reporters with her announcement President Barack Obama was going ahead with air strikes in Syria. When reporters began to grill Rice about whether the president had already given the authorization to the militarily to bomb in Syria, Rice kept repeating they would not be releasing information on the timing of those air strikes. Reporters continued to push with several trying to explain their question is if the president has already given authorization. Laughing uncomfortably Rice exited the room by interrupting a reporter mid-question saying, ‘Good to see you all.’” We suppose it’s easier to run from the podium than to make sense of her boss’s strategy.