The Patriot Post® · IRS Also Targeted Teachers of the Constitution

The IRS’s targeting of conservative groups is just the tip of the iceberg. According to Nicholas Quinn Rosenkranz of The Volokh Conspiracy, “What is less well known, but perhaps even more scandalous, is that the IRS also targeted those who would educate their fellow citizens about the United States Constitution.” The information was revealed through an investigation by the inspector general. In late January 2012, the agency’s “BOLO [‘be on the lookout’] criteria were again updated,” the IG report found, to expand the targeting to “political action type organizations involved in … educating on the Constitution and Bill of Rights.” At least three organizations – Linchpins of Liberty, the Spirit of Freedom Institute and the Constitutional Organization of Liberty – claim to have been victimized. “There may have been many more,” says Rosenkranz, adding, “It is chilling to think that these same officials who are suspicious of the tea party are equally suspicious of the Constitution itself.” It’s conservatives’ belief in the Constitution and Rule of Law that prompted the targeting in the first place. More…1
