The Patriot Post® · California Drought Not Exactly Evidence of Global Warming

Man-made global warming did not cause the drought in California, according to the LA Times. But it’s a harbinger of what’s to come, say the scientists clinging to the idea of man-made climate change. The paper reported on three scientific studies that said Al Gore can’t use the drought as evidence in his Power Point presentation. The LA Times notes, “[T]he report editors wrote that ‘natural variability likely played a much larger role in the extreme precipitation events,’ whether it was flooding in India, deep snow in the Spanish Pyrenees Mountains or the California drought.” (Notably, the report was co-written by a NOAA scientist.) So earth is doing its natural heating/cooling cycles, while tree-huggers in California run around like Chicken Little because the sky is falling and the lawns around their half-million dollar mansions are getting brown. More…