The Patriot Post® · Clapper Rebuts Obama's 'Underestimated' Charge

Over the weekend, Barack Obama threw the intelligence community under the bus1, saying Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and his agencies “underestimated what had been taking place in Syria.” It was unbecoming of the commander in chief to scapegoat intelligence for his own lies, distortions and ignorance. And Clapper agrees – sort of. He sent a memo to his staff Tuesday saying, “I’m proud of the [intelligence community’s] efforts over the past two years to monitor, assess and call attention to the expansion of ISIL, and I know the president has found that work to be critical to developing his strategy.” He was gracious toward his boss, asserting that Obama appreciates the intelligence community. (Obama appreciates them so much he skips 60% of their briefings.) But it’s clear Clapper wanted to send a message that the intelligence community hadn’t “underestimated” anything. More…2
