The Patriot Post® · Can It Happen?
R. Emmett Tyrrell1: “Can it happen here? It is happening in Europe where French polls show that the National Front’s Marine Le Pen would win the election for president if elections were held tomorrow. Something like it has happened in Italy where an anarchist comedian, the happily named Beppe Grillo, garnered 25 percent of the vote last year. Most spectacularly, it almost happened in the United Kingdom last month. What am I talking about? An election in which the lowly voters overcome the professional pols and vote their minds. … Here in the United States there is grumbling at the base of both parties. … At the end of every election the professional politicians of both parties return to cutting their deals, securing their sinecures, and making money. … Can it happen here? In both parties, we have the ingredients for [a] new [political] order. … The forthcoming elections should be followed with a jeweler’s eye.”