The Patriot Post® · After Review, Pentagon Goes After Eight Hospitals

The Pentagon released its report1 on the state of the health care system that services the U.S. military. The results are somewhat hazy and the report noted the difficulty to analyzing the whole system. Overall, it appears a soldier needing health care will get about the same quality of care as if he or she went to a civilian hospital. “On average,” the report said, “access to care meets the identified standards; however, performance varies across the system and purchased care data are incomplete.” After the review, the Pentagon will go after eight hospitals that have levels of “patient morbidity.” In response to the systematic failures in health care at the Veterans Affairs hospital system that came to the attention of the media in April, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel ordered the review of the Military’s system in May. And kudos to him. Instead of waiting for some scandal to propel the government to slap together a half-hearted solution, he’s leading the organization proactively. More…2
