The Patriot Post® · The New Bureaucratic Brazenness

Peggy Noonan1: “[D]oes anybody in the government feel it is necessary to be truthful about anything anymore? Does anyone in the federal government ever think about concepts like ‘taxpayers’ and ‘citizens’ and their ‘right to know’? Everything sounds like propaganda. That will happen when government becomes too huge, too present and all-encompassing. Everything almost every level of government says now has the terrible, insincere, lying sound of The Official Line, which no one on the inside, or outside, believes. … The only people who seem to tell the truth now are the people inside the agencies who become whistleblowers. They call a news organization, get on the phone with a congressman’s staff. That’s basically how the Veterans Affairs and Secret Service scandals broke: Desperate people who couldn’t take the corruption dropped a dime. What does it say about a great nation when its most reliable truth tellers are desperate people? … A nation can’t continue to be vibrant and healthy when the government controls more and more, and yet no one trusts a thing the government says.”
