The Patriot Post® · Bobby Kennedy: Climate Denying Businesses Deserve 'Death Penalty'
Last week, Bobby Kennedy Jr. announced he thought denying climate change should be criminal1: “Do I think the Koch brothers should be prosecuted for reckless endangerment? Absolutely. That’s a criminal offense and they ought to be serving time for it.” Now he’s trying to “clarify” that nonsense. “Hysterics [on the Right] are foaming in apoplexy because I supposedly suggested that ‘all climate deniers should be jailed,’” he taunted. “Of course I never said that. I support the First Amendment, which makes room for any citizen to, even knowingly, spew far more vile lies without legal consequence.” Got that? Denying climate change is a vile lie, though there are worse ones. Then he doubled down, saying, “I do, however, believe that corporations which deliberately, purposefully, maliciously and systematically sponsor climate lies should be given the death penalty. This can be accomplished through an existing legal proceeding known as ‘charter revocation.’ State Attorneys General can invoke this remedy whenever corporations put their profit-making before the ‘public welfare.’” Kennedy needs to take a chill pill and remember it’s a free country.