The Patriot Post® · New York Time Journalist: 'Obama Hates the Press'
While some journalists are awed by power and only become mouthpieces of propaganda, other journalists fight to preserve freedom of speech and the press. New York Times journalist James Risen decries post-9/11 government attempts to snuff the work of reporters, and says the Obama administration in particular hates independent journalists. Risen argues journalists must push back. On Oct. 5, the two-time Pulitzer Prize1 winner won the Elijah Parish Lovejoy award for courageous journalism because he may face jail time for not naming a whistleblower in the CIA after Risen wrote a piece about that agency’s failed attempt to disrupt Iran’s nuclear program. Lovejoy was an antebellum minister and journalist in Missouri who opposed slavery. “Today, the U.S. government treats whistle-blowers as criminals, much like Elijah Lovejoy,” Risen says. “I don’t think any of this would be happening under the Obama administration if Obama didn’t want to do it. I think Obama hates the press. I think he doesn’t like the press and he hates leaks.” Ironic since they’re his greatest sycophants. More…2