The Patriot Post® · Syria Still Has Chemical Weapons
After the tyrant in Syria dropped chemical weapons on his own people, after Barack Obama painted a red line, after international pressure caused Bashar al-Assad to give up his chemical weapons, flower child and Secretary of State John Kerry said1, “Diplomacy can be so powerful it can peacefully diffuse the worst weapons of war.” Well, not quite because surprise! Turns out Bashar had four locations where he kept chlorine that he oh-so-conveniently forgot to point out to the UN weapons inspectors. In fact, the Associated Press2 reports the tyrant gassed his own people in August. “[Assad] is leaking new details now for two reasons,” said Michael Rubin, a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. “First, he wants to suggest to his allies that he deceived the West and second, he is implying that if anyone takes any action against him, he might actually use other undeclared sites to launch chemical weapons he had until this point hidden.” And we assumed we could trust the Syrian leader. Could some American pilot on his or her way to bomb ISIL positions “accidentally” drop a bomb or two on, say, Assad’s helicopters? More…3