The Patriot Post® · Will Protons One Day Have Negative Energy?

Mona Charen1: “The obsession with sex and now the mainstreaming of truly bizarre ideas about human identity suggest that progressives cannot be trusted with responsibility and certainly shouldn’t be anywhere in the vicinity of children. This kookiness about sexuality is brought to us by the people who style themselves the ‘pro-science party.’ Imagine if they get their hands on chemistry next. A teacher handout might say, ‘Protons are positively charged, and electrons are negatively charged. But you can be a neutron if that’s how you feel deep inside.’ Or maybe it’s oppressive to assume that protons are always positive. Maybe some days they have negative energy? … There’s plenty to resent about nature. Why do only women get pregnant and give birth? Some men would like the chance, and some women would gladly change roles. Why are men bigger? Why are some people unattractive and others boring? That doesn’t seem fair. And why must we die? These mortality assignments are a terrible form of oppression. If we declared ourselves ‘death neutral,’ would that make it so?”
