The Patriot Post® · Killing Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown Was Actually Killing Barack Obama

American author Greil Marcus is a well known music journalist and cultural critic who interviewed with leftist rag Salon on a wide range of topics. But here’s the pull quote so key, it headlined the piece: “I’m not a psychiatrist,” Marcus said. “I haven’t sat down and interviewed George Zimmerman or the cop who shot Michael Brown, I don’t know what their motives are, I don’t know what kind of people they are, what kind of childhood traumas they have experienced. But I don’t think it’s nuts that in a certain way, when that cop killed Michael Brown, and when George Zimmerman killed Trayvon Martin, they were killing Barack Obama.” Wait, what? Marcus is arguing racism is so pervasive – people are so upset at having a black president – that these deaths were somehow related to Obama. And here we thought the president was the one who thought everything was about him. More…1
