The Patriot Post® · Streisand Fundraises for Democrats

Barbra Streisand is campaigning hard for Democrats, sending out a fundraising email over the weekend pleading desperately for help. “Have you seen Congress lately? It’s a mess,” Streisand wrote. “And it’s only going to get worse if people like Karl Rove and the Koch Brothers continue to treat corporations better than people.” And no one knows how to treat people quite like the Hollywood glitterati. She touted “huge progress under President Obama.” Her examples: “Unemployment is at the lowest level since before President Obama took office, before the Great Recession started. The deficit is rapidly dropping and is just 2.8% of GDP – the lowest since 2007. And thank God for President Obama’s Affordable Care Act, which has helped millions of people around the country gain access to health care.” Unemployment is lower because so many people have left the workforce. The deficit dropped only after Democrats quadrupled it. And the so-called “Affordable” Care Act has exacerbated the problems with health insurance. But Barbra needs something to croon about. More…1
