The Patriot Post® · Turkey Does Little in Fight Against ISIL

The great ally against ISIL, Turkey, has finally sprung into action. After days of fighting, it has finally allowed1 the Kurdish army of Iraq, the Peshmerga, to travel across Turkey to fight ISIL in in the Syrian town of Kobani. This is the most the country has done to help in the fight against the terrorist state. Hot Air’s Jazz Shaw points out2 that Turkey has dragged its feet into this fight. It blocked the U.S. from using its air bases to bomb the snot out of ISIL. And while its army is gathered at the border of Syria to prevent ISIL from breaking into Turkey when it fights the Kurds at Kobani, Turkey did not enter the fray, even when ISIL directed shells towards Turkish positions. And here’s why: Like the rest of Middle Eastern politics, our friends are not necessarily friends with each other. The Turkish government sees3 the Kurds as enemies on par with ISIL. Meanwhile, America furthers its involvement by not only dropping bombs on ISIL, but dropping weapons4 to the Peshmerga in the city.
