The Patriot Post® · Airdrops in Kobani Helped, But It's Not Enough
The most recent round of U.S. airdrops in the city of Kobani doesn’t assure victory. The Department of Defense notes1, “The city could still fall.” Sure, the U.S. dropped arms and ammunition to Kurdish soldiers, but some of that aid may have inadvertently gone to ISIL2. Furthermore, Al-Jazeera3 reports ISIL has ramped up its attacks before the Peshmerga can reinforce the Kurdish defenders. As The Wall Street Journal writes4, “The small-arms drop is welcome; it lifted the spirits of the city’s defenders. But Kobani likely will join most of Iraq’s Anbar province in falling to the Islamic State if the U.S. doesn’t soon provide fighters on the ground with antitank weapons and the like. That commitment will require the U.S. to participate in some accommodations with the region’s near-term alliances. It isn’t easy. Someone should make that reality clear to people before they seek the U.S. Presidency.”