The Patriot Post® · $25 Billion in Tax Dollars Funded Waste
Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) wants you to know how the government spent – no, wasted – $25 billion. The senator, who will leave office after this term because of a self-imposed term limit, released his final Wastebook1 detailing the top 100 ways the government burned through taxpayer money. “With no one watching over the vast bureaucracy,” Coburn said2, “the problem is not just what Washington isn’t doing, but what it is doing. Only someone with too much of someone else’s money and not enough accountability for how it was being spent could come up some of these projects.” The most egregious source of waste? The government placed badly behaving bureaucrats on administrative leave, essentially a paid vacation, which accumulated a bill of $19 million. Moreover, while most of us were earning our dollars, the feds were watching grass grow ($10,000), destroying $16 billion worth of unused ammo for $1 billion (we would have done it for free) and giving rabbits Swedish massages ($387,000). More…3