The Patriot Post® · U.S. Ignores Free Syrian Army
While the United States continues to drop $8.3 million a day1 on its fight against ISIL, the moderate rebels fighting Bashar al-Assad in Syria are complaining that they receive little help with their conflicts while the Kurds in the symbolically2 strategic city of Kobani get all the toys. A senior brigade leader in the Free Syrian Army told The Wall Street Journal3, “No one sent us weapons like the Kurds in Kobani. This has really affected FSA fighters’ morale. They feel disappointed.” Another spokesman with the moderate rebels asked if the U.S. considers the group “U.S. hands on the ground.” Meanwhile, Syrian rebels who are linked to al-Qaida push into a government-held city. And while the Free Syrian Army was there, stronger groups pushed it out4. The moderate rebels are the hope for a free and U.S.-friendly Syria of the future. We like underdog fights, right?