The Patriot Post® · Comparing Apple's Tim Cook and Chick-fil-A's S. Truett Cathy

Apple CEO Tim Cook publicly discussed his homosexuality in a column that appeared in Bloomberg BusinessWeek. He wrote, “The company I am so fortunate to lead has … taken a strong stand in support of a workplace equality bill before Congress, just as we stood for marriage equality in our home state of California.” That brings up an interesting juxtaposition. The Weekly Standard’s Jim Swift observes: “While he ‘doesn’t consider himself an activist,’ Cook has personally lobbied on gay rights issues in his home state of Alabama and at the United Nations. All of this sounds familiar – haven’t we heard this story before? A southern-born CEO invoking religion regarding his views on homosexuality, lobbying for what he believes in, and using his company to financially and publicly support those views? Indeed, we have a heard a story like this before. Before Tim Cook, this perfectly described another CEO and son of the south: S. Truett Cathy, the founder and former head of Chick-fil-A.” Contrary to its mantra, the Rainbow Mafia’s idea of tolerance is anything but a two-way street. More…1
