The Patriot Post® · ISIL Once Again Traps Yazidis on Mount Sinjar

Has the Obama administration already forgotten why it started to fly airstrikes against ISIL? The Yazidis, a religious minority were trapped on Mount Sinjar in August. ISIL threatened genocide. The U.S. and the Iraqi Army flew aid and pulled people from the mountain1. But peaceful efforts were not enough. Someone with a big stick needed to stand up to the violence of ISIL. But now, the United States has directed most of its firepower to the city of Kobani2, where photographers can record the explosions safely in Turkey behind a minefield. ISIL has once again pushed the Yazidis back up onto Mount Sinjar and “there’s been a couple of airstrikes done in and around there,” according to Pentagon Spokesman Rear Adm. John Kirby3. Mahama Khalil, a Yazidi parliamentarian who fled to the mountain, told Reuters4, “Unfortunately, coalition planes are in the sky and can see the tanks, but they are not striking them. Why do they defend Kobani and not Sinjar?” Lots of groups – from the Free Syrian Army, to the Kurds, to the Yazidis – want the strength of American arms and munitions and America cannot forget why it entered this fight.
