The Patriot Post® · U.S. Personnel to Treat Ebola in Liberia
The Obama administration asked Congress for $6.18 billion to combat Ebola in West Africa – a further sign that the U.S. is taking on a greater role. Barack Obama said1, “I’m submitting a request to Congress for funding to ensure that our doctors, scientists and troops have the resources that they need to combat the spread of Ebola in Africa and to increase our preparedness for any future cases here at home.” When Obama first announced he was sending 4,000 troops to Liberia to build Ebola facilities, he said no U.S. troops would treat the disease and risk infection. But USA Today reports2 that 70 uniformed officers of the U.S. Public Health Service – the same group that treats the U.S. Coast Guard – will be running an Ebola facility, thereby putting them at risk. Surprise – Obama lied! More…3