The Patriot Post® · Boehner's Way Forward

In a statement, House Speaker John Boehner laid out the GOP plan going forward. “Republicans are humbled by the trust the American people have placed in us, and we will honor that trust by making your priorities our priorities. … I laid out the new majority’s plans to focus first on jobs and the economy: We’ll work to approve the Keystone XL pipeline, which will mean lower energy costs and more American jobs. We’ll advance the Hire More Heroes Act, which will encourage employers to hire more of our nation’s veterans. And we’ll take on ObamaCare, starting with regulations that threaten the pay and peace of mind of hardworking Americans. From there, more good ideas will follow, and with them, a chance to do some great things for the future of our country. Everything we do is about restoring the American Dream for our children and grandchildren.” It’s modest, but it’s a start.