The Patriot Post® · The Obama Administration Has a Perverted Moral Compass

Mona Charen1: “The State Department’s response to two episodes of violence reveals how perverted the Obama administration’s moral compass is. Tom Wilson of Commentary notes that in the past few weeks, two ‘victims’ of violence in Israel held dual citizenship. The first was Rabbi Yehuda Glick, an advocate for the rights of all religions to worship on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Glick was shot at point-blank range after a series of incendiary statements from PA leader Mahmoud Abbas suggesting that the Jews ‘desecrate’ the Mount by even setting foot there. Glick has been in a medically induced coma ever since. Yet, though Glick holds joint U.S. and Israeli citizenship, the U.S. government was utterly silent about his attempted murder and has been equally mum about Abbas’ ugly racial incitement. Now consider the death of Palestinian-American teen Orwa Abd al-Wahhab Hammad. The 17-year-old was shot by Israeli security forces as he was poised to hurl a Molotov cocktail off a bridge onto civilian traffic below. The U.S. State Department, making much of Hammad’s U.S. citizenship, demanded ‘a speedy and transparent investigation.’ … The moral inversion could not be more complete.”
