The Patriot Post® · School Assignment Promotes Islam

The anti-religious Left vehemently promotes the misconstrued separation of church and state – as long as we’re talking about Christianity. When it comes to Islam, however, the standard is altogether different. The latest example comes from the Southeast, where one school assignment – tasking students with differentiating “Peaceful Islam” and “Radical Fundamental Islam” – was so gung-ho about the Muslim faith that school officials might as well have adopted the slogan, “In Allah We Trust.” The Washington Times explains, “A North Carolina mom turned to the media to express outrage at a worksheet distributed at her son’s Union County high school that outright suggested Muslims have stronger religious beliefs than Christians. The mother … said the one sentence that bothered her the most read: ‘Most Muslims’ faith is stronger than the average Christian.‘” Another answer asserted, “Islam, at heart, is a peaceful religion.” While it’s true that not all Muslims are jihadists, all jihadists are by definition Muslim. And all Muslims are united by the Koran, which at its core is very much radical. That unification extends to radicals on the Left, because their real crusade is against Christianity – a mission grossly disguised as “tolerance.” More…