The Patriot Post® · 93% Not in Workforce Don't Want a Job

The number of Americans who have quit the workforce has remained stubbornly high throughout the Obama recovery. As a result, the seemingly improved headline unemployment rate is not an accurate gauge of the economy’s health despite chatter coming from the White House. New analysis from BLS (Bureau of Labor Statistics) takes a closer look at the 92 million adults no longer seeking employment, and the data found an even more alarming revelation. Per the Washington Examiner: “The federal job counter said that 85.9 million adults last month didn’t want a job, or 93 percent of all adults not in the labor force. A Pew Research Center analysis out Friday dug a bit deeper to find out who those people are. Many are younger Americans who seem far less interested in landing a job than previous generations, possibly discouraged by the lack of good-paying jobs.” Among those between the ages of 16 and 24, 39% prefer to remain jobless, Pew found, along with 28.5% of men and 40.2% for women. Wealth redistribution and the fostering of the entitlement culture is not a recipe for economic success. More…