The Patriot Post® · Michael Brown's Stepfather Called for Fire Before Riots

The St. Louis County Police are investigating Michael Brown Jr.‘s stepfather, Louis Head, because he shouted on live TV1 moments after the grand jury’s decision was released, “Burn this b—- down! Burn this b—- down! Burn this b—- down!” The police did not tell CBS News what charges Head may face, but it’s plausible it’s something along the lines of not being allowed to shout “fire!” in a crowded movie theater or shouting “fire” and then having a dozen buildings somehow burst into flames later that night. In a statement2, Head explained his shouts Nov. 24: “I was so angry and full of raw emotions, as so many others were, and granted I screamed out words I shouldn’t have screamed in the heat of the moment. I was wrong. … The last thing I truly wanted was to see it [Ferguson] go up in flames.” In the ensuing violence, local businesses were destroyed, and the church of Michael Brown’s biological father was burned3. Did Head mean those words in that moment? Or was he legitimately expressing himself and other people misunderstood his words? If he’s sorry now, does the whole thing blow over? More…4
