The Patriot Post® · GOP Dabbles With Not Inviting Obama to Give State of Union

In response to Barack Obama’s illegal immigration action, Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA) suggested the House disinvite Obama from giving the State of the Union address early next year. But House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) disagrees. “Listen,” Boehner said, “the more the president talks about his ideas, the more unpopular he becomes. Why would I want to deprive him of that opportunity?” The president has a constitutional duty to report to Congress on the State of the Union “from time to time,” though it was written, not spoken, for much of U.S. history. Besides, if Obama wants to do something constitutional, we should let him give his assessment on where the nation stands – then fact check him when his assessment from his kingly throne doesn’t match reality. More…