The Patriot Post® · Coulter: 'Do Not Stand Between a Liberal and His Taxes'

Ann Coulter pointed out1 on Fox News that New York City’s finest sent five policemen to arrest a man ultimately charged with selling untaxed smokes. “And if we knew – if instead of selling untaxed cigarettes Eric Garner has been accused or guilty of assault, a rape, well then you wouldn’t say that was undue force. What is shocking about that videotape is, are you kidding me? This is for selling untaxed cigarettes? Do not stand between a liberal and his taxes because that’s how they pay for their beloved public sector unions and their ridiculous pensions.” Just for context, New York has the highest tax on cigarettes – $4.35 for a 20 pack, according to the Tax Foundation2. But even then, it’s five cops for a fistful of dollars.
