The Patriot Post® · Time Is Short for Race-Baiting Leftmedia
America is being roiled by racial huckstering. Huckstering that would be all but impossible absent the avalanche of mainstream media malfeasance that aids and abets it.
Such malfeasance is nothing new. In 1991, when Los Angeles TV station KTLA received what is arguably the nation’s first viral video of police beating Rodney King, they edited out1 the first few seconds showing King charging the officers. KTLA shared the video with CNN, which distributed it to networks that played it over and over. Virtually everyone used the same edit. Thus when the four officers involved were acquitted2 of assault – based in large part on King’s actions – people were infuriated. So infuriated they engendered3 three days of utter mayhem that killed 55 people, injured almost 2,000, and led to 7,000 arrests. In addition there was nearly $1 billion in property damage that included nearly 4,000 buildings being set ablaze.
It didn’t matter that in a subsequent federal trial for violating King’s civil rights, two of the four officers were found guilty and served prison time. The damage was done – and the media never accepted an iota of culpability for it.
The treatment the media afforded George Zimmerman proves they’ve sunk even lower. It began when one of their own, MSNBC’s Al Sharpton, a tax-evading, hoax perpetrating, Harlem riot instigating, racial arsonist of the first order turned Zimmerman’s shooting of black teen Trayvon Martin into yet another utterly misguided and erroneous national referendum on black/white race relations. Erroneous because Zimmerman was of Hispanic descent. That “problem” was “solved” by both CNN4 and The New York Times5, which referred to Zimmerman as a “white Hispanic.” At least they got it half right. The AP, CBS News and the Martin family lawyer – appearing on Sharpton’s show – referred to Zimmerman as white.
Soon after, the media malfeasance reached gargantuan heights. NBC edited6 Zimmerman’s phone exchange with a 911 operator to make him sound racist. CNN suggested Zimmerman said “f–king coon” before it became apparent it was “f–king cold,” and the network was forced to walk back7 their “expert” audio analysis. ABC News showed8 video of Zimmerman’s head, but covered his lacerations with a chyron, even as they claimed he appeared uninjured.
None of it mattered. Zimmerman was acquitted. But that still wasn’t enough for much of the media that insisted the acquittal was due to Florida’s Stand Your Ground law, even though it was never presented as part of Zimmerman’s defense. Nor did it matter that the media’s despicable framing of the story led to a plethora of black-on-white violence by thugs using “payback for Trayvon” as their rationale.
One would think such media-engendered violence would cause those who report the “news” to be more diligent and careful. As Ferguson proves, the media were not only unrepentant but willing to double down on creating and collaborating with a racially charged narrative9 completely at odds with reality. As was the set-up with regard to Trayvon Martin, and the widely disseminated picture10 of him used to create the impression of innocence – despite the fact that it was three or four years old – “gentle giant” became the media catchphrase immediately associated with Michael Brown. In fact, the phrase was so ingrained that many people, including U.S. Attorney General and Sharpton-admirer Eric Holder, became indignant11 when Ferguson police released the video showing Brown participating in a strong-arm robbery just prior to his fatal encounter with Police Officer Darren Wilson.
That particular bit of reality became even more problematic when the media’s “star witness,” Dorian Johnson, not only confessed12 to being Brown’s accomplice in the robbery, but was subsequently revealed by irrefutable physical and eyewitness evidence to be lying when he insisted13 Brown was shot in the back with his hands up. CNN tried to debunk14 the video, which was bad enough. But the media’s lionization of Johnson perpetrated the “Hands Up Don’t Shoot” meme that was an utter lie, and yet made it to the NFL field and the very floor of Congress.
With regard to Eric Garner, the media are once again attempting to keep the racialist angle front and center. And like the Rodney King case, the omission of critical information drives the agenda. One can have legitimately differing opinions about the grand jury’s decision not to indict15 NYPD Officer Daniel Pantaleo for actions that contributed to the death of Garner, but make no mistake, police did not target Garner because of race, or because he was selling cigarettes, as media outlets continue to repeat.
The fact is, Garner was targeted16 because black store owners had complained to police that he was harassing their customers, and a black police chief ordered patrols to resolve this issue for the merchants. And Garner’s takedown was under the supervision of a black NYPD Police Sergeant named Kizzy Adoni, who did not intervene in Garner’s takedown.
Again, one would think this information, which might go a long way toward defusing Sharpton and his equally contemptible race-baiting colleagues, would be widely disseminated. And again, one would be wrong. New York’s PIX11 mentioned17 Adoni back in July, but only in regard to a police report on Garner’s arrest. Her race was never revealed. Only Denis Hamill of the Daily News revealed18 that reality, even as he admitted the Garner arrest “can’t be called a racial incident” as a result. Several different Google searches reveal other third tier news outlets disseminating the info, but all of them source Hamill.
Hence we have an effective blackout.
And the bet here is most Americans know why. The same media with a decades-long investment in a race-bating, progressive worldview isn’t about to let go. And if Americans must endure everything from misguided protests based on lies, to widespread mayhem and murder precipitated by the withholding of critical information, so be it. The racialist narrative must be served – without reservation or remorse.
It won’t last. A Gallup report released Sept. 17, 2014, reveals public trust in the media has tied19 its all-time low of 40%. Coupled with the advance of streaming technology and alternative media sources, it won’t be long before our dinosaur establishment media faces the ultimate choice: become accurate, or irrelevant. Decent Americans of every ethnicity, who yearn for genuine truth and justice, won’t have it any other way.