The Patriot Post® · GOP Senators Let Down Voters to Get Home for Christmas
The one conservative senator who tried to defund Barack Obama’s executive amnesty was abandoned by his party, and the rest of the Senate was upset they had to miss1 holiday parties and the Army-Navy football game to do actual work. In a 56-40 vote, the Senate approved a $1.1 trillion spending bill Saturday night. But during the proceedings, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) made a point-of-order objection: The spending bill was unconstitutional, he argued, because it funded Obama’s amnesty. In the ensuing vote2 on Cruz’s objection, only 22 lawmakers agreed with the senator. “Forcing a vote on the constitutionality of Obama’s amnesty is important for two reasons,” Cruz said in a statement3. “First, since President Obama enacted his unilateral amnesty after the elections, Democrats have never been made to answer for it. Tonight, they will and they will show America whether they stand with a lawless President, who is defying the will of the voters or the millions of Americans who want a safe and legal immigration system. Second, it allows Republicans to also show they are committed to ending Obama’s amnesty once and for all in the next Congress.” The GOP went so far as to attack Cruz4, something Democrats didn’t do to their progressive firebrand Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who also opposed the spending bill for her own reasons. More…5