The Patriot Post® · Democrat Senator Wants to Make What CIA Did Illegal

The incoming Democrat minority in the Senate will try to reform the interrogation practices of the CIA next time Congress meets, even though the toughest piece of information they may ever try to pry from their staff is who squealed to the press about their sordid sex lives. Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) told “Meet the Press” (See, they didn’t title the show “Waterboarding the Politicians”) he wants to make the CIA’s enhanced interrogation practices illegal. “What I’m especially troubled by is,” Wyden said, “[CIA director] John Brennan, on Thursday, really open[ing] the door for the possibility of torture being used again. … And what I intend to do with my colleagues right when we come back, is I intend to introduce legislation to make it clear, for example, that if torture is used in the future, there would be a basis to prosecute.” The program needs strict oversight and tougher rules. But ruling out practices like waterboarding entirely? Wyden, there are still evil men in this world. More…1
